Firstly , I would like to say Happy Birthday,Bezzle!
I had two dreams last night. This is the execution dream.
This is the second dream I had on the night of October 27, 2015.
This dream was split into two parts in which I played different roles in the same event.
role 1: I was a civilian in the crowd. I was a working woman, though poor, and a very dedicated member of my country. I was in town square, where they were executing a man. I understood this man was an enemy military leader. So I clapped and cheered as he was killed in front of the crowd. I was elated that our enemy had been killed.
role 2: I was a soldier under the command of the general who was about to be executed. It was just before the execution was about to take place. My partner and I were crouched behind the stage. We were incognito, dressed as enemy soldiers so we wouldn't be recognized. Our mission was to save the general, even if it cost our lives and we were fully dedicated to our task. We had a sword in our hands and prepared to rescue the general. But for some reason, we didn't. We crouched behind the stage while he was executed and it wasn't pretty. The general was put in stocks and stood in the center of the stage. Two rows of archers were lined up in front of the stage. The king signaled for the archers to shoot. The first row of archers shot regular arrows, which hit the general in the chest. I could have sworn the man was dead, but the next row fired anyway. The second row fired flaming arrows into his chest. All the while, the general did not even flinch. His dead body was bloody and burnt, and his chest was filled with holes. I felt sickened, disgusted, an terrified. Perhaps the reason we did not help or rescue the general was because my partner and I knew there was no hope. If we even tried we would die, and so would the general. The enemies outnumbered us. Instead, we were not discovered because we did not execute our plan and we remained in disguise.
comment: I think this kind of dream is very interesting and I've never had it before. I saw the same thing happen twice, but from two completely different view points.
Two different perspectives! Now that is weird, wild stuff! Thank you for the happy bday .