Sunday, December 27, 2015

Dream #11. (I think)

I'm sorry for not posting in a while. I got preoccupied. This is a dream I had a few days ago.

I was a sailor an a ship in the Navy. At first, I was just doing my job. I had to fix and maintain machinery under the ship. A huge storm hit us while I was under the ship. This wasn't unusual because storms and floods were common in this world. I was fixing a broken part when I suddenly blacked out. The captain of the ship woke me up and told me it was vital that the part get fixed. So I got back to work. The storm was still raging, but had instensified. The whole crew began to panic.

The ship was engulfed by waves and I jumped ship to avoid being injured. I blacked out again. When I woke up the next time, I was on a grassy hill with the captain. The valley around us was flooded, but at the top of the hill was a golden tree. It glowed in the rays of sunlight and butterflies that surrounded it. The captain said it was the Tree of Life. I didn't know if that was true or not.

He took two worms off the trunk of the tree, putting one in my hand and one in his own. The worm crawled under my skin before I could do anything. It never died or hurt me, just moved around a lot, which I got used to. The captain said we were immortal now and we parted ways. He went back to sea captianing and I retired to flooded land.

I went to a local inn, where I thought there were some people who could help me. They turned me away twice, saying they were full. I had to explain that I only wanted to talk, not stay there. Then they let me in. I sat at a wooden table with a young woman and a middle aged man. I explained what had happened to me. They said I had been tricked. I never found out exactly what they meant by that.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

What Is Lucid Dreaming?

Lucid dreaming is when you are aware that you are dreaming. You know that your dream is not reality. From this point, some people are able to take control of their dreams. According to recent studies, anywhere between 1 in 8 and 1 in 5 people have lucid dreams. These people typically are critical thinkers and have more confidence.

You may think that knowing you are dreaming may make the dream less real, but it's quite the contrary. People who have lucid dreams are able to feel their dreams more in depth, as if they were actually there. However, they know they are in control.

As always, feel free to post any comments, questions, or concerns in the comment section.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Lucid Dream Post #1

This was the dream I had on the night of November 15, 2015. It developed into what is known as a lucid dream.

I was trying to get somewhere and deliver a message in a certain amount of time. The only road that led to where I was going was blocked, as a demolition team was about to destroy a large building on the road. I talked to the guy in charge and he said that he would be able to delay the construction 90 minutes. The road was made of mud and I was walking. So I accepted the 90 minutes challenge/ offer and I started walking up the road. To get to the other side of the road I had to parkour through the building. This was increasingly difficult because the building was falling apart as I was trying to navigate it. I managed to get all the way through before the 90 minutes was up, however, I came upon castle walls.  

I thought this dream was getting really boring, so I changed it while I was asleep. (Yes, I am able to control my dreams.)

I recreated the dream so that I was in a small room, talking to some people and drinking. We were drinking socially, not to get drunk.
*and then I woke up*

As always, feel free to leave any questions or comments in the comment section and give me recommendations.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Shooting Dream

This is the dream I had on the night of November 4, 2015.

I was in the parking garage of my college campus. I saw a student at gun point and I rushed to help him without thinking. There was one man holding a pistol to the other man's head, talking very angrily. So I rushed at the man with the gun and tackled him. He fell to the ground, along with me. The other guy ran to go get help. So I was left alone with the guy with a pistol. I started to get up and try to tackle the guy again, because it was the only thing I could think to do. But he was too fast. The shooter had already stood up straight and taken aim at me. By time I was standing and running at him again, he had aimed the gun at me, but this didn't stop me. I tacked him once more, but this time he was expecting it and only stumbled back a few steps. We were both still standing. Then he shot me in the torso, around my stomach. I fell backwards onto the ground as I saw help arrive. The shooter had been taken care of and no one else was hurt. 

As I lay on the ground, I could feel myself waver in and out, dizzy and between awake and asleep. A police officer and the person I saved were crouched over me and they looked very concerned. All I could mumble quietly was "I'm going to be fine" over and over again. And I really thought I was going to be fine, but I was dying. It was peaceful. It didn't hurt and I wasn't afraid. It was like falling asleep.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Playground and Execution Dreams Part 2

Firstly , I would like to say Happy Birthday,Bezzle!

I had two dreams last night. This is the execution dream.

This is the second dream I had on the night of October 27, 2015.

This dream was split into two parts in which I played different roles in the same event.

role 1: I was a civilian in the crowd. I was a working woman, though poor, and a very dedicated member of my country. I was in town square, where they were executing a man. I understood this man was an enemy military leader. So I clapped and cheered as he was killed in front of the crowd. I was elated that our enemy had been killed.

role 2: I was a soldier under the command of the general who was about to be executed. It was just before the execution was about to take place. My partner and I were crouched behind the stage. We were incognito, dressed as enemy soldiers so we wouldn't be recognized. Our mission was to save the general, even if it cost our lives and we were fully dedicated to our task. We had a sword in our hands and prepared to rescue the general. But for some reason, we didn't. We crouched behind the stage while he was executed and it wasn't pretty. The general was put in stocks and stood in the center of the stage. Two rows of archers were lined up in front of the stage. The king signaled for the  archers to shoot. The first row of archers shot regular arrows, which hit the general in the chest. I could have sworn the man was dead, but the next row fired anyway. The second row fired flaming arrows into his chest. All the while, the general did not even flinch. His dead body was bloody and burnt, and his chest was filled with holes. I felt sickened, disgusted, an terrified. Perhaps the reason we did not help or rescue the general was because my partner and I knew there was no hope. If we even tried we would die, and so would the general. The enemies outnumbered us. Instead, we were not discovered because we did not execute our plan and we remained in disguise.

comment: I think this kind of dream is very interesting and I've never had it before. I saw the same thing happen twice, but from two completely different view points.

Playground and Execution Dreams Part 1

Last night I had two separate dreams. This is the playground dream.

This is the first dream I had on the night on the night of October 27, 2015.

I discovered a huge playground. The part of it on the left was for children. The other part of the playground was much bigger and clearly made for adults. I instantly raced over to the bigger section and climbed the stairs to the top of the slides. As I looked behind me I realized there was a long line of people that had formed. I  hadn't   skipped in front of them,  but they had come behind me as soon as I began my ascent of the stairs. I didn't want to go on the biggest slide because it went upside down at one point and I wasn't sure if it was physically possible to go down that slide without falling off. so I wanted to go down the second biggest slide, which was right next to the biggest one. Everyone was in line behind me, except for this one guy. He had climbed the stairs either before me or right after me. He and I had an argument on the stairs, but I don't remember what it was about.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Tips To Dreaming Sweetly

Get one of these, a dream catcher. I personally believe that these work. I used to always have one next to my bed as a kid and dreamcatchers brought me comfort. It is said that night mares get caught in the web and die. The dream catcher gives you good dreams. When I was a kid, I even thought they helped me remember my good dreams.

The best way to stop night mares, however, is to use your brain. You are in control of your dreams and ultimately decide what happens. If you don't like your dream, then change it. Easier said than done, but keep it in mind.

The best way to remember your dreams is to keep a journal or think about them as you get ready in the morning.

Elizabeth's Dream

My friend has given me her dream to interpret. I have never done this before, so everything I saw may be wrong.

My friend dreamt that she was blind, deaf, and mute. Everything she knows about the world, her friends, her family, her life, she had imagined  them. She had done this to get over the loneliness of being cut off from the world.

First I would like to assess some of the major symbols from her dream. These symbol meanings are courtesy of "Dream Moods" Dream Dictionary.

Blind~"to dream that you are blind represents your refusal to see the truth or your lack of awareness to a problem...are you refusing to see any other point of view except your own?"

Deaf~" suggests you are feeling secluded from the world. You may be closing yourself off from new experiences or shutting yourself out."

Mute~"...indicates that you are afraid to say something or fear of being criticized or judged."

Lonliness~"To dream that you are alone indicates feelings of rejection. You may be feeling that no one understands you."

Now that I've decoded some symbols I would like to discuss and attempt to interpret the dream.

According to me, the dream gives off a negative vibe. Losing three of your main senses indicates that you are feeling like an outsider. Perhaps you are purposely shutting yourself  off from the world. Maybe there are bad influences or negative things around you that you are trying to avoid; but avoiding these things is causing you a feeling of lonliness.

You should try to open your mind more, and be more accepting of the differences in others. Instead of shutting yourself  away or avoiding problens, find healthful ways to deal with them.

Sorry if this was totally obvious or completely wrong.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Memory #1

It was recommended that when I determined a dream was not postworthy that I would post a memory instead.

This post is dedicated to my friend Mad Langdon. She provided the prompt for this memory post.

Prompt: Drawer

For many years I had this dresser that was made of fake wood. It was falling apart and I just got rid of it recently. A few months ago I decided to take the bottom out of a broken drawer and free hand some art work on it. I used a rainbow color of sharpies. It turned out very well and I thought it was very symbolic. I entered the art piece I had made into an art exhibition. It was shown a few weeks ago in a girl's empowerment art exhibition as a side show.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Restaurant Portal Dream

This is the dream i had on the night of October 23, 2015. Please feel free to leave a comment of question below.

My family and I were at a restaurant. The restaurant had snack foods of cheezits and oreos to eat while you waited. My mother found a secret part of the restaurant that used to be a shop. All the signs in this shop said that most things were on sale for $1. I went behind the shelf of shoes and tried on a pair of tall blue, strappy heels. I was sitting on the ground as I tried them on. A waiter came in the shop an told us we weren't allowed to be there and we had to leave. My mother and brother left and went back to the table, but I didnt. The waiter didn't see me because I was sitting behind the shoe shelf. I took the shoes off and looked around.

I found a secret portal passage that led to another dimension. My brother had snuck back in the shop and we entered the other dimension together. On the other side of the portal we had to fight many enemies. We were holding weapons. I had a yoyo as a weapon, which I had not chosen, but was given. My enemy was a lion and I beat it up by hitting in the head with a yoyo. It was no ordinary lion, it was an evil lion. After my brother and I had had our fill of battle, we returned through the portal back to our dinner table. I ate icecream.

From then on my brother and I would return through the portal in the hidden shop in the restaurant and battle enemies whenever we felt called to do so. We were never caught and always returned within the day.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Enemy Dream

This is what I remember from my dream on the night of October 22, 2015.

I was standing on the beach of a small deserted island, when I saw someone wash up to shore. It was my enemy, the person who had been trying to kill me all day. He wasn't an evil man, just crazy, and he needed help. He looked to be starving and near death, so I made a deal with him. We were stuck on this island together anyways. I said that I would help him survive, if he would stop trying to kill me. He agreed and we worked together to survive and escape the island.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Symbols From Prison Dream

I had a very interesting and complicated dream on the night of October 21, 2015. It was difficult to remember, difficult to explain, and slightly unsettling. So instead of retelling the dream, I will post a few symbols (6) from it and explain their meanings. All symbol meanings are courtesy of "Dream Moods" Dream Dictionary.

City- to see a city in your dream signifies your social environment and sense of community. If you dream of a big city, then it means you need to develop closer ties and relationships. You are feeling alienated and alone.

Prison- to dream that you are in prison indicates that you are being censored in some part of your life. You feel your creativity is limited and you are not allowed to express yourself.

Riot- to see or participate in a riot in your dreams suggests you need to stand up for yourself...Alternatively, the dream signifies a loss of your individuality. You are involved in a situation that is destructive to your well being.

Hockey- to dream of playing or watching hockey is analogous to how you are achieving and protecting your goals. It also suggests you may be dealt with a lot of hard blows in your life.

(I happened to have stumbled upon a dirty bathroom in the prison. It was gross.)

Bathroom- to dream that you are in a bathroom relates to your instinctual urges. You may be experiencing some burdens/feelings and need to relieve yourself. Alternatively, a bathroom symbolizes purification and self-renewal. You need to clean yourself emotionally and psychologically.

Dirty- the dream stems from low self-esteem and feelings of being unworthy. You need to purify your mind, heart, and body.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Bombing In My Hometown

This is the dream i had on the night of October 20, 2015.

I lived in Ukraine with my family. We lived in a town next to a river. The bombing sirens were going off. Our town  was threatened by a neighboring country. There were bomber planes flying over the town. When they came near the area where a bunch of people and I were, we jumped in the river to avoid the blasts. There was a bomb dropped into the river on top of us. We all panicked and tried to run away from the bomb while underwater, which was really slow and unsuccessful. Luckily, that bomb did not go off.

When we got out of the water, it appeared the planes were flying away. The people who were still alive, and I fled quickly, quietly, and carefully to a nearby emergency center. When we went there, it looked like the waiting room of a hospital. There were lots of chairs. The person who was supposed to be in charge was no where to be found, so another woman had stepped up and taken charge. She was very preganant, in labor, but she was still leading. She had light brown skin, like an Indian, and sweaty straight black hair in a ponytail. She was covered in sweat and her uniform was very messy, but she still managed to help everyone.

Many people had fled to this center and it was crowded. A lot of civilians had lost their lives and their loved ones, and my family was no where to be found. We thought the bombers had left. There were no more sirens. But somehow I was able to realize there were more coming. I warned everyone around me and we all ducked and covered. People were crying and praying.

The bombers were aiming for help areas and emergency centers. The enemy wanted to kill us, even thoigh we had done nothing. We were there for about an hour. I was under a wooden crate, which would do nothing for protection. There were holes in the side of it. I could see that the woman in charge was giving birth. And just as she was the bombs were dropped on our center.

*and then I woke up*


Welcome to my blog! Please stay a while and read as much as you'd like!

Hello, this is a blog where I will post my dreams. I tend to have very elaborate ones and many people are interested in them. I would like to say that everything I write came out of my head, and if I copy anyone it is unintentional. Also, keep in mind these are dreams. Nothing I write will really have happened. Thank you and I hope you enjoy. Please leave any comments or questions you may have.