Friday, November 3, 2017

The Bear (Dream #16).

           First, I was at the grocery store with my mom. I really wanted something from Cinnabon so she told me to pick something and she would buy it. There were many Cinnabon flavored products like coffee creamer, ice cream, cinnamon rolls, and so on. Despite having such a selection of products, I was unable to make a decision before we left the store so I got nothing.
          Next, there was an odd place at a park near a parking lot. It was outside, but inside. It was a room, minus one wall. From the outside, the walls were blank. On the inside, there were two doors on the walls, one on the left wall and one on the right wall. The door on the left was a portal to somewhere else. I'm not sure where because I didn't go through the door, but there were a few people coming and going. The door on the right was another portal that led to a room with a bear. I say it was a portal because it led to another room, but from the outside, there was no room there. At first, I saw someone else go into the room. There were with a little boy. The bear was a pale gray-brown with long, mangled, dirty hair. Its eyes were big and red and its teeth were so long that they poked out of its mouth. From a previous dream, I knew this bear was unique. If you poked this bear, it would kill you. No matter how far away you got or how safe you thought you were, the bear would find you and maul you to death. Although I knew this, the woman I was watching did not. The woman, wearing a red flannel shirt and a net hat, poked the bear, then ran away. The little boy ran behind her. The bear chased the woman, not at all interested in the boy. It had the look in its eyes where it was out for blood and it was foaming at the mouth. The woman and little boy fled to the parking lot, where they got in a school bus and closed the doors. The boy sat in one of the front rows and the woman sat in the driver's seat. They stole the school bus and sped out of the parking lot. The bear stopped chasing them halfway out of the parking lot. I didn't see it happen, but I knew that eventually, that bear mauled that woman to death.
          Next, I went into the room on the right with a Russian man and another man. The bear was resting on a pile of hay in the far corner, completely uninterested in us because we had done nothing to it. The small room was all concrete with no windows. There was a large mirror on the wall directly to the left of the door. Under the mirror, next to the bear, was a wooden table. The bear and table collectively took up the majority of the room. On the table was a gopher and a bingo board. I had known this bear before, but I had never known of the gopher. My goal in this room was to save the people of my group by completing the trials of the gopher. One moment I was looking around the room and the next I was being held down on the table by my throat by a Russian man. His face was expressionless. The gopher stood over my face and held the bingo board above my eyes until I started seeing things. I was sucked into a series of dreams within my dream. The other person just stood by, watching the bear. Each square of the bingo board was a mental challenge I had to face in my mind in my dream. In some, I was a combatant in an arena. In others, I would solve puzzles. In others, I watched people I love die. It wasn't like a normal bingo board where I had to get five in a row, I had to complete all but three squares. The two people who entered the room with me were just there to make sure that I didn't act out the mental challenges with my body, or I might have hurt the people around me or myself. When I finally completed the trials, the Russian man let me up and we all left the room together. I had grown weak from exerting myself. Outside of the room, in the parking lot beyond a row of large rocks, a crowd had gathered. They cheered when we emerged. I fell to the ground, so exhausted that I thought I was going to die. I started to drift off to sleep until a new surge of enegry brought me back to my feet and I was ready for a whole new set of trials.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Water Elemental (Dream #15).

     I was a water elemental human, meaning that I had superhuman abilities but only when touching the water. A man accompanied me at all times because my powers made me a sort of royalty, especially because I was backed by the leading political party in power of the country in which I lived. Early on, I was playing with some remote control cars that had been gifted to my brother and me from the queen/ woman in the highest position of the government. It all seemed good and fun until one of the toys accidentally broke. Part of the toy had broken off, revealing a GPS sticker that was a shiny holographic color. I broke the second remote control car intentionally to see if it had the same GPS sticker, and it did. I came to find that many of our gifts from the queen did. My own conclusion from this was that my fellow elementals were not actually supported by the queen, but attempting to be controlled by her. We would be difficult adversaries if we were to fight for the anarchists instead. My brother, a fire elemental human, disagreed. He insisted the queen loved us and would never do such a thing. He saw no ulterior motive behind anything she had done.
      I went for a walk to clear my head. The sky outside was bright blue with a few stray, white clouds high in the atmosphere. Compared to the darkness of the indoors, the outside world seemed very reassuring. With the man that always accompanied me, I walked on a sunbleached stone brick path through grassy fields. Occasionally there were arches along the pathway made from the same sun faded stone bricks. The man who accompanied me seemed unremarkable. He never spoke, only watched. Whenever I try to think of his face, a variety comes to mind, but none of them seem to be the one. The path occasionally came to points of interest where the stone path formed circles or semi-circles and you could view something like a tower or a waterfall. I stopped to look at an interesting point of interest. It was something like a waterfall made from tiered birdbaths. People rode the water as if it were a waterslide, even children. Looking over the edge the first time, I grasped tightly to the metal fence rooted in the ground. The fall to the first tier seemed to be large, intimidating, and there was a breeze directing you towards it that would make you lose your footing and fall right in. It was the kind of thing that looked like it would hurt you, but really couldn't.
     Another man appeared in a suit and sunglasses. He was one of the only people that actually spoke to me. He dared me to go down the water slide and then come back up. It was clear that no ordinary person could come back up, but I accepted his challenge. As I approached it the second time what had appeared to be a deadly fall morphed in my field of view to be almost nothing. The breeze I had felt before disappeared. I rode on the top layer of the water down the odd waterslide. I fell into each tier of the bird baths, then surfaced and flowed with the water down into the next tier. Between each tier, as I approached the bottom, the distance grew smaller and smaller until the final two tiers were only a leg's width apart. Eventually, the water flowed into nothing. It stopped somewhere but the water was never stagnant. I had made it safely to the bottom as I thought I had seen many others do. Though, when I got to the bottom, the people I had seen from the top were not there and I was all alone. I started to climb back up, doing so by stepping on the rims of each tier of the bird baths. This was easy at first because the tiers were close together, but the farther I went, the farther apart the tiers were. This is when I used my water elemental powers. As I ran back up the bird bath waterfall, my legs grew longer with each step, so that every rim was a leg's width apart no matter the distance.
     When I got to the top, I smiled at the man who had given me the challenge, pleased with myself for having completed it. The challenge-giver was standing next to the man who always accompanied me. The challenge-giver did not smile but instead pulled a gun. Several other men, dressed in the same black suits and dark glasses, appeared through the arches and pulled guns too. I fled before anything could be said by any of us.
(small note: no one ever steps on the grass in this world.)
     As I fled these men and they constantly pursued me, I found my elemental powers developing further and more prominently. Once, the men in suits had me cornered against some boulders on the side of a stream. Luckily for me, I was standing in the water and therefore able to use my powers. Faced with the possibility of death in the moment, I developed a new ability. I turned my entire body into water and flowed downstream, right past the pursuers. As I flowed past them in the form of water, they shot at the water, but to no avail. What use of bullets in water? Later I was able to turn right back into a person.
     I flowed downstream to an area that was dark, gloomy, and seemingly abandoned. The sky was a light gray, purple color, and overcast.  I walked from the creek to an old rundown railway station. Although I had assumed it to be abandoned, I discovered it was not when I was kidnapped by its inhabitants. I was taken to the leader of the inhabitants, I giant white fuzzy caterpillar that wore a fedora and smoked a pipe. His wife was a black fuzzy caterpillar and apparently, they had marriage issues.  I quickly learned that this group of people worked neither for the queen nor the men in black suits, but were a group of smugglers of drug dealers. They lived in rusted out rail cars that were still operational enough to transport goods without anyone knowing.
   Although I was never actually caught by the men in the black suits I would like to make a note of who they were. I'm sure they were anarchists. I knew this because it was getting around election time in the country again. I was a prominent figure in the public eye and people still believed I was in favor of the queen. No one knew about my newfound opposition. Also, no one in the queen's employ was permitted to wear black.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Magic Rings (Dream #14.)

         I went to an area of my grandma's  house that only exists in my dreams, and not just this dream specifically. It was a hallway on the second floor with about four rooms branching off of it. From previous dreams, I know that one of those rooms is a closet and another is an office. In this dream, I discovered a new room that seems to be a storage room. I looked through the cabinets and found three rings belong to my great grandmother that interested me. They all had the same ornate silver bands, but the gemstones were different. One was green, one was blue, and the last was pink. I wore them all at the same time.
      When I put the ring on, a new world seemed to open up before my eyes. There were spirits and monsters living and walking in the same world as us. The rings glowed and I became aware that each of the rings were endowed with different abilities. The green ring could control the movement of Earth and rocks. The blue ring could control lasers. The lasers were generated from some tower in the distance and the ring was used only to control and direct the lasers, not generate them. The pink ring generated shields that could protect me from both magical and physical attacks from spirits. I think that this realm had existed the for a very long time. The reason normal people couldn't see it is because there were also evil spirits in this realm and to be able to see them meant that they could do you harm. Normal people would have no defense for the attacks of the spirits, but because the rings gave me special abilities I was now able to defend myself from the evil spirits that I may see.
      One spirit seemed to stand out in particular. As soon as I saw the new world within ours, it was the first one I saw and it saw me too. Its skin was pitch black and it had no features. It had no face, no hair, no nails, no clothes, and you couldn't tell if it was male or female just by looking at it. However, with the new abilities also came a new feeling of intuition. I could just tell that the spirit was a woman. This spirit faced me for a moment before launching itself at me and attacking me. Naturally, I had to fight back, so I tried to use the abilities that the rings gave me. This spirit was strong, and she seemed to have the exact same abilities that the rings gave me, with the same strength.
    The battle raged on, us matching each other blow for blow. She would direct a high- powered laser and I would use a shield. She would throw a boulder at me and I would throw one back, meeting hers halfway. Finally, I was able to tackle her and pin her to the ground. I knew what I had to do to end the fight. I would have to split her in half with the laser, but there was a problem with that. I was on top of her, so I would have to split myself in half as well because I was in the path of the laser.
      For the first time, I heard this spirit speak. She bet me that I wasn't brave enough or strong enough to do it, somehow already knowing the plan that I was thinking. She was wrong. I directed the laser through myself and the spirit, cutting us both in half longways. It was odd, the laser didn't actually hurt at all and neither of us were dead. We lay on the ground for a moment, recovering, before we both got up a minute later completely fine. The fight was now over and the spirit didn't try to attack me anymore. I felt that I knew the spirit better and the spirit knew me better. I think I passed some kind of test that the spirit has made for me. It may have been a test to see if I was worthy of having the rings and using the abilities they were endowed with.It would see if I was worthy to know about and be able to see this new realm.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Freedom At What Cost (Dream #13).

        I had some supernatural powers to do with the sea, like coastal earth and water bending. Everyone in my family had some kind of unique ability. We, my brother, father, mother, and I, lived in a big home together. Mother and father were always very controlling, demanding that I stay with them, living in the house forever. For a time, they succeeded. I stayed with my family in that house for so long that I was convinced we had actually all died and were bound to the house as ghosts. The family I had was not a good one because the people in it were not good people. They were greedy and demanding and considered themselves better than everyone else.
      This house that I was trapped in was like no ordinary house. It was huge both inside and outside and no one would suspect anything as it appeared to be a normal suburban house in the good part of town. There was a room inside that looked like a sound-booth. It had red wall made of velvet and grey control panels with switches and buttons. Beyond the control panels was a window and a door which led to the most beautiful prison I had ever seen. It was a dome of nature within a room. There were one a half green hills covered in trees after the window, followed by a cliff that dropped into a lake. The lake was the common area where the family spent its time. They all seemed content with their lives the way it was, floating on tubes in a lake that wan't even real.  I spent my time under the water, away from them.
      I had tried to escape many times, likely over one hundred. Finally, I did and the first thing I did was run out the door and onto the driveway. I looked up at the sun glistening through the needles of a real pine tree and took in the smell of real fresh air. Then I decided that that's what freedom is, the smell of fresh air, the feeling of the warm sun on your face, the image of the blue sky and the bright yellow sun, the sound of birds. Freedom was achieved through being in a state of nature. I left the neighborhood and spent my time in the actual ocean for many years, helping sea creatures. 
      Eventually I decided to go back to that house; some form of curiosity drove me to it. It wasn't at all like I expected. I entered the room was the sound-booth and found that the velvety walls were dirty and scratched, the window was broken, and the door was ajar. Nothing was as it originally was and everyone was gone. Even though I had achieved my freedom, there was an odd feeling of despair seeing the mess I had made in the process. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Demon Dream (Dream #12.)

The dream began as I entered the main room of a church where three other women and their grooms were also getting married. As we waited our turn to walk down the aisle, we stood on mats of construction paper which children had drawn pictures of people and families on. When it was my turn I walked down the aisle and stood at the front on a stage, looking out at the pews of people. I glanced over at my soon-to-be husband, a smiling man with short hair and a black tuxedo. The priest began to speak when suddenly I was thrown across the room. I landed against a wall, behind some chairs, and all I could see were three long, bleeding, scratch marks on my shoulder before my memory cut out.

Next thing I knew, I woke up in a chapel-shed inside the storage room of the church. There were three soldiers around me in shiny armor. One was a young man with dark skin and a shaved head and the other is a man around the same age with pale skin and blonde hair the color of corn. There was also an older man with a reddish-brown beard ad longer hair. Their facial expressions told me that they were displeased, and almost seemed to be withholding information. They quietly told me that I was actually a demon and I was the one who crashed the wedding and killed the guests. It was news to all of us. They spoke as if to someone who was once much esteemed and now wasn't allowed to be held in that regard.  The older one told me I had to leave the church now, so the younger ones escorted me out. I stopped to put on a pair of orange socks because I didn't want to go outside barefoot. They grew impatient as I took my time putting my socks on. After I had one sock put on, one of the Templar soldiers put a hand on my shoulder and said, "I think the church is more important than your socks." It was as if my very presence was insulting to the image of God and the safety of everyone within the church.

Naturally, I went home to find that my family had gone insane and the world was making no sense. I had no idea where my fiance was, but I somehow knew he was alive. I packed a single bag full of belongings, and sadly decided I would run away and keep myself away from everyone so that the world may be safe from me. Oddly, I noticed that my car was floating above thee tree in the front yard. The lights inside were on and the doors on the right side of the car were open. I felt this was odd and might have been a trap, so I cautiously floated up to the open passenger side door. No one I knew would have had any reason to hurt me, except maybe now there was the cause that I was a demon. I looked under the car and above the car, convinced no one dangerous was nearby. I started getting into the car when someone appeared beside me and threw me to the ground from the floating car. It was the figure of a man, wearing all black from head to toe so that not a single inch of his skin was exposed. Even his weapons were black as night, and he never spoke. My memory cut out again.

This time when I awoke, I was lying on a cool leather couch. There were at least ten more of the same man, wearing all black with black guns, in the room. It seemed that the more of them there were, the more disoriented and close to death I felt. On the couch across from me sat a woman drinking tea. She was clearly pregnant and gave off the mastermind vibe. She knew exactly what was going on and began explaining it to me. However, I couldn't seem to focus on what she was saying. I felt like a caged animal in the household and something inside me was clawing and scratching the insides of my head. I had to get out. In the middle of the mastermind's explanation I got up and headed for the door, pushing the guards out of the way. At first they seemed to have n idea what to do, panicking somewhat. I reached the doorway, having one foot out before I was shot in the back of the head.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Dream #11. (I think)

I'm sorry for not posting in a while. I got preoccupied. This is a dream I had a few days ago.

I was a sailor an a ship in the Navy. At first, I was just doing my job. I had to fix and maintain machinery under the ship. A huge storm hit us while I was under the ship. This wasn't unusual because storms and floods were common in this world. I was fixing a broken part when I suddenly blacked out. The captain of the ship woke me up and told me it was vital that the part get fixed. So I got back to work. The storm was still raging, but had instensified. The whole crew began to panic.

The ship was engulfed by waves and I jumped ship to avoid being injured. I blacked out again. When I woke up the next time, I was on a grassy hill with the captain. The valley around us was flooded, but at the top of the hill was a golden tree. It glowed in the rays of sunlight and butterflies that surrounded it. The captain said it was the Tree of Life. I didn't know if that was true or not.

He took two worms off the trunk of the tree, putting one in my hand and one in his own. The worm crawled under my skin before I could do anything. It never died or hurt me, just moved around a lot, which I got used to. The captain said we were immortal now and we parted ways. He went back to sea captianing and I retired to flooded land.

I went to a local inn, where I thought there were some people who could help me. They turned me away twice, saying they were full. I had to explain that I only wanted to talk, not stay there. Then they let me in. I sat at a wooden table with a young woman and a middle aged man. I explained what had happened to me. They said I had been tricked. I never found out exactly what they meant by that.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

What Is Lucid Dreaming?

Lucid dreaming is when you are aware that you are dreaming. You know that your dream is not reality. From this point, some people are able to take control of their dreams. According to recent studies, anywhere between 1 in 8 and 1 in 5 people have lucid dreams. These people typically are critical thinkers and have more confidence.

You may think that knowing you are dreaming may make the dream less real, but it's quite the contrary. People who have lucid dreams are able to feel their dreams more in depth, as if they were actually there. However, they know they are in control.

As always, feel free to post any comments, questions, or concerns in the comment section.